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extra.components.Scantool ¤

Scantool(run, src=None)

Interface for the European XFEL scantool (Karabacon).

In [1]: |scantool = Scantool(run)                                 |
        |                                          |
Out[1]: Scantool (MID_RR_SYS/MDL/KARABACON) configuration:
          Scan type: dscan
          Acquisition time: 1.0s

          DET2_TX (MID_EXP_DES/MOTOR/DET2_TX): -0.05 -> 0.05, 100 steps

See the scantool documentation for more information about the device itself.


Name Type Description Default
run DataCollection

A run containing the scantool.

src str

The device name of the scantool. If this is not passed the class will try to find the right device automatically.


source_name property ¤

source_name: str

The name of the scantool device.

source property ¤

source: SourceData

SourceData object for the device.

active property ¤

active: bool

Boolean to indicate whether the scantool was used during the run.

scan_type property ¤

scan_type: str

The type of scan configured (ascan, dscan, mesh, etc).

acquisition_time property ¤

acquisition_time: float

Acquisition time in seconds.

motors property ¤

motors: list

List of aliases of the motors being moved.

Note that these are scantool-specific aliases, not EXtra-data aliases.

motor_devices property ¤

motor_devices: dict

A dictionary mapping motor aliases to their actual device names.


This property is obtained by parsing a configuration string, which may not be compatible with previous versions of the scantool. If it was not possible to get the device names then a warning will be printed when initializing the class, and this property will be None.

steps property ¤

steps: dict

A dictionary mapping motor aliases to the number of steps they were scanned over.

start_positions property ¤

start_positions: dict

A dictionary mapping motor aliases to their start positions.

stop_positions property ¤

stop_positions: dict

A dictionary mapping motor aliases to their stop positions.

info ¤


Print information about the scantool from Scantool.format().

format ¤


Format information about the scantool as a string.


Name Type Description Default
compact bool

Whether to print the information in a compact 1-line format or a multi-line format.


extra.components.Scan ¤


Detect steps in a motor scan.

Example usage in a Jupyter notebook:

In [1]: |s = Scan(run["MOTOR/MCMOTORYFACE"])                      |
        |                                                 |
Out[1]: Scan over MOTOR/MCMOTORYFACE.actualPosition from -0.5800 to -0.5600:
         Steps: 21
         Scan time: 0:17:54
         Average step length: 511.33 trains (51.13s)
         Average step size: 1.00e-03 [arb. u.]

        Detection parameters:
         resolution: 5.00e-04
         min_trains: 235

In [2]: |s.plot() # Check the detection results                  |

The class tries to detect the best parameters automatically, but it will still fail in some situations. If that happens either the resolution or min_trains parameters (unlikely to be both) will need to be set manually, typically on a per-motor rather than per-run basis.


You should always check the results of the detection with Scan.plot() to verify that they're correct.


Name Type Description Default
motor (SourceData, KeyData, DataArray)

An object that contains the motor positions and train IDs. If it's a SourceData object the actualPosition key will be used. Note that if a xarray.DataArray is passed it must have a trainId coordinate with the train IDs (i.e. obtained with KeyData.xarray()). Raw Numpy arrays are not allowed.

resolution float

The usable resolution of the motor. Ideally this should be slightly above the noise level of the motor (and below the step size of the scan). It will be guessed if not passed explicitly.

This is the trickiest parameter to guess automatically. For example, if it's set too high then multiple real steps will be detected as single steps. And if it's set too low and there's a lot of drift in the motor steps, there can be multiple detected steps within a single real step.

min_trains int

The minimum number of trains per-step in the scan. It will be guessed if not passed explicitly.

The automatic guessing rarely fails badly. Usually you will only need to tweak this if the length of the steps varies a lot and some of the smaller steps are being cut out (this often happens with energy scans).

intra_step_filtering float

A factor that influences how aggressively noisy trains within a step will be filtered out. Higher values mean less aggressive and lower values mean more aggressive.

This factor is used to remove trains in a step that are outside a certain range of the mean value in the step, the main purpose being to remove trains on the boundaries of a step. Try tweaking this value if there are too many/too few trains being filtered around a step.


name property ¤

name: str

Name of the device being scanned.

steps property ¤

steps: list

List of (position, train_ids) tuples for each step in the scan.

positions property ¤

positions: ndarray

Array of positions for each step.

positions_train_ids property ¤

positions_train_ids: list

List of train IDs for each position.

plot ¤


Visualize the scan steps.

Each step is plotted in a different color on top of the motor positions. On a long scan with lots of steps you'll probably want to zoom in to check the individual steps.

Example plot:

bin_by_steps ¤

bin_by_steps(data, uncertainty_method='std')

Average train-resolved data within each scan step.

This will return a DataArray containing the averaged value of data over each step in the scan, along with position, counts, and uncertainty coordinates containing the position/counts/uncertainty for each step. The .name property will be set to, and the following attributes will be set:

  • motor:
  • uncertainty_method: the uncertainty_method that was passed, indicating either the standard deviation or standard error.


Name Type Description Default
data DataArray

A train-resolved (i.e. with a trainId coordinate) array to bin.

uncertainty_method str

Can be set to std to use the standard deviation (i.e. the 1-sigma region) or stderr to use the standard error.


plot_bin_by_steps ¤

    figsize=(9, 5),

Plot step-averaged data.

This calls Scan.bin_by_steps() and plots the result. Note that while it's possible to explicitly specify the title/xlabel/ylabel, it's recommended to set and and let the plot settings be inferred automatically.

Example plot with == "ROI intensity" and == "Theta":


Name Type Description Default
data DataArray

A train-resolved array to pass to Scan.bin_by_steps().

uncertainty_method str

Same as in Scan.bin_by_steps().

title str

The title of the plot.

xlabel str

The xlabel of the plot.

ylabel str

The ylabel of the plot.

ax Axes

The axes to plot on. A figure will be created if this is not set.

figsize tuple

The figure size. Only used if ax=None.

(9, 5)

split_by_steps ¤


Split an EXtra or EXtra-data object, or a DataArray, into scan steps.

This will yield one shorter object of the same type for each step. It should work for any object with a .select_trains() method, and for xarray DataArray objects with a 'trainId' coordinate.

info ¤


Print information about the scan from Scan.format()

format ¤

format(compact=False) -> str

Format information about the scan as a string.


Name Type Description Default
compact bool

Whether to format the information in a one-line or multi-line string.
